Blogging - harder than it looks


I haven't blogged in ages!!  The thought "oh, I'll start a blog", is much easier than the reality.  I find it amazing that people are able to blog evey day and aspire to do this myself!!

But, I guess an important thing is to not blog for bloggings sake - but instead for record interesting and important events and thoughts.  I think this is part of my journey with this blog, to find out what's important to me.

So, what have I been up to?  Well to follow from the last blog, I HAVE MY IPHONE!!  And I love it!  A part of me didn't want to become "another person with an iphone", but now there's no going back!  I love the simplicity of it, I love how clean the interface is, and it's oh so shiny!!  In comparason, the android was so customisable it actually made it clunky and hard work.  I find I've  been taking more photos, and instagram-ing more!

I've also been working quite a lot.  My work is very important to me, but I'm sure that will become clear as this blog grows.

I've just finished a big project, so, with a quieter time approaching, I'm going to start another challenge, which I'm hoping will help with my blogging too!!!

I'm doing the 30 Day Shred -

Once it's down on my blog, there's no going back, right?!

I have literally just ordered said DVD, so hopefully it will arrive early next week and I can start this new challenge!!

Watch this (hopefully soon to be shrinking) space!!

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